インバウンドでタイ人を集客! 事例多数で万全の用意 [PR]



The Japanese commonly address each other by last name. Only close friends and children are usually addressed by first name. In addition, people rarely address each other just by name, but usually attach an appropriate title to the name. There is a large number of such titles depending on the gender and social position of the person you are addressing. Some of the most frequently used titles are:

さんsan : This is the most neutral and famous title, and can be used in most situations. Only in formal situations, san may not be polite enough.
Example : ぶんたさんicon09

さまsama : This is a more polite form of san, commonly used in formal situations and letters, but too polite in a casual context.
Example : ゆじろさまひえー

くんkun : This is an informal title used for boys and men that are younger than yourself.
Example : のびたくんface02

ちゃんchan : This is an informal title used for young children and very close friends or family members.
Example : しんちゃんサル

せんせいsensei : This is a title used for teachers, doctors and other people with a higher education and from whom you receive a service or instructions.
Example : おにつか先生びっくり?




Posted byナムジャイスタッフat 2008年07月25日13:05│ Comments(0)